Real women : real results

Success stories from real women, in their own words. Discover why people around the world LOVE Hourglass Fit with reviews and testimonials from women just like you.

Charlotte Rimmer

I wanted to boost my weight loss after reaching a plateau after having 2 children. I live quite a healthy lifestyle already but needed an extra boost. The first few stones came off quickly with exercise and eating healthily, but I have stubborn tummy fat that is proving really hard to shift. I tried hourglass capsules to see if they could help. I was really dubious, so I did lots of research as I have had some quite bad side effects from taking fat burners in the past. I knew that I needed something natural.

I have been taking the capsules for 1 month, 4 capsules per day (half an hour before meals, 1 at breakfast, 2 at lunch and 1 at tea). I can safely say I would recommend this product. It has reduced my appetite and cravings, making me eat less and generally think about food less!! I have lost 5lbs and 3% body fat and my clothes are feeling looser. I definitely think that hourglass fit has been the contributing factor to this after months of trying to lose lbs and not succeeding. Also, I have experienced no side effects, which is great. I will be ordering more capsules, and I’m really excited to see what next month brings.

I have seen great results since taking hourglass fit for one month. However, in addition to hourglass, I have been fully committed to exercising 4 times per week (weights and cardio) and eating a healthy diet (high protein, low fat) during this time. They have been an excellent addition but not a stand-alone answer, so go into this ready to commit, and you won’t be disappointed.


I’ve been taking Hourglass Fit for just over a month and I really enjoy it.

I’ve been trying to cut for a while and my results have been slowing down. Going on vacation I wanted to find a fat burner to help cut before I went away.

Most fat buners I have taken leave me with jitters and mean I can’t sleep, there is no caffeine in Hourglass Fit so I thought I would give it a shot.

My results have been incredible, I only take 1 pill 3 times per day. I don’t have trouble sleeping, I have so much more energy and it’s really sustainable throughout the day.


I gave Hourglass Fit a try because I gained a lot of excess body fat after colladge. There were so many on the market, but this has ingredients that are scientifically research and they are all natural.

They don’t promise results and you do have to work, but you get into a good routine.

I saw great results with Hourglass Fit and making sure I ate properly and also going to the gym.

I lost 10lbs in two months by taking Hourglass Fit which was all excess body fat and I have been able to maintain it ever since I lost it.


United Kingdom
I had 12 weeks until my wedding and I just wanted to feel confident in my dress on the big day. Of course, I hit the gym and started eating cleaner – but I also wanted a little helping hand. Hourglass Fit’s natural formula seemed perfect for me, especially as I don’t have the time for meal replacement shakes or complicated plans.
Over 12 weeks I steadily shifted the pounds. In fact, on my wedding day I weighed 2lbs less than I did when I first met my husband! Hourglass Fit made it easy – and all without the crashes or jitters I’d read about with other brands. It was a real confidence booster, and I’m sure to continue to make Hourglass Fit part of my daily routine.


San Diego, USA
The hardest part of dieting for me has always been controlling cravings around my period. As soon as it gets to ‘that time of the month’ all my good intentions go right out of the window and I’m binging before I know what’s happening. And, let’s be honest, salads just aren’t the same as chocolate!

Since I started taking Hourglass Fit, I’ve felt completely in control. I’m fuller and more satisfied after meals, and I find it so much easier to say no to treats (finally!). I’ve managed to stick to my healthy diet (and dropped 8lb already) even through my period, which has always been when I go off track!


Manchester, UK
After I had my second child, I really struggled to lose the baby weight. No matter what I tried at the gym, I just found that I couldn’t shift that last little bit of post-baby bump. It was beginning to affect my confidence, so I decided to research what supplements could help me. Hourglass Fit ticked all the boxes in terms of what I was looking for.

I ordered the Ultimate Fit Kit and it was delivered really quickly. I found it so simple to incorporate into my daily life. Within weeks I could see and feel the difference it was making. And it wasn’t just me – my husband and friends also remarked on how I was looking. I’d recommend Hourglass Fit to anyone in the position I was once in.


Baltimore, USA
I’ve taken other fat burners before Hourglass Fit and they’ve just made me bloated straight away. Not great when I want to reduce my waist size. Since I’ve started to take Hourglass I’ve noticed I’m not bloated, or uncomfortable – I feel really good.

I’ve taken other fat burners before Hourglass Fit and they’ve just made me bloated straight away. Not great when I want to reduce my waist size. Since I’ve started to take Hourglass I’ve noticed I’m not bloated, or uncomfortable – I feel really good.


Southampton, UK
I’d tried other fat burners that were full of green coffee beans and other highly caffeinated substances. I found my sleep was interrupted and my stomach was upset. I was literally shaking after taking them. So, Hourglass Fit was a revelation! They were so gentle I thought they couldn’t work. But my bathroom scales prove they do!

I began taking Hourglass Fit alongside my regular gym routine. Within two weeks I was noticing a difference in how toned I was looking. It definitely jumpstarted my metabolism, as I didn’t massively change my lifestyle, yet saw the results I was looking for – I’ve lost 15lbs already! And because it’s 100% natural, it means I can take it worry free.


Perth, Australia
I’d been on my weight loss journey for about 6 months before I discovered Hourglass Fit. After initially losing a lot of weight, I found that I’d hit a plateau, and my weight was no longer dropping, no matter what I tried. Which is when a friend recommended that I tried Hourglass Fit after she’d had success with it.

It really helped in pushing me through the plateau. I gained extra energy for my workouts, and because my cravings were reduced, I was less tempted to snack between meals. I’m now recommending your product to all the women in my class and they love it too! So many of them have lost weight already.


Lyon, France
My favorite thing about Hourglass Fit is it helps me get through my workouts. I love being active and when I’m dieting, getting to the gym feels impossible. Cutting down my calories just makes me feel lazy, sluggish and hangry! I know should work out, but I just want to stay on the couch!

Now I’m taking Hourglass Fit I feel energized when I train. I’ve been pairing Hourglass Fit with HIIT workouts and it keeps me focused and has helped me lose even more fat. I’ve tried a few caffeine-based fat burners before and they’ve just given me headaches. With Hourglass Fit I just feel like I have energy again! No jitters at all!

Tell us how Hourglass Fit has changed YOUR life

We are always delighted to hear what our customers have to say about Hourglass Fit. If you have been using Hourglass Fit for 30-days or more, consider sharing your experience. Simply follow the guidelines below and submit your testimonial via our Testimonials site or email to connect [at]

Just send us...

A brief, written testimonial telling us how Hourglass Fit has improved your life. (Note: Please include a picture of yourself with a box/bottle of your Hourglass Fit).
Or, if you can do it, a short video around 2 minutes in length.
...and we'll send you 4 FREE boxes of Hourglass Fit!

All you need to do is:

Use Hourglass Fit as directed (1 capsule, 4 times per day) for a minimum of 30-days.
Send us your written or video testimonial telling us how Hourglass Fit has improved your life.
And that's it! We'll send you 4 boxes of Hourglass Fit, a $276 value, absolutely FREE!

Get a sexy,

Hourglass Fit physique.

A powerful 2 in 1 formula for real results
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results in the Testimonials may not be typical and your results may vary. Not all people will obtain the same results. These products are intended to be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

*Free worldwide delivery available on selected products, minimum spend amounts apply. Delivery is calculated at checkout based on delivery address.

**Glucomannan has been recognised by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in relation to weight loss.
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